Out The Box Mime, Father-Daughter team, was formed in 2005. The bond they share is evident through the unique way this father- daughter team conveys messages of hope, healing and deliverance to people.
Though rooted in the church, the ministry has managed to transcend beyond the walls of the church and has been featured in concerts with The Virginia Aires, Marvin Sapp, Rizen, Earl Bynum, Alvin Darling, and Kurt Carr to name a few. However, the group versatility has afforded them opportunities to be a part of events such as the unveiling of the Black Heritage Stamp, The Pageant of Peace Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony held at the White House, and the International Peace Walk held in Washington, D.C. In 2006, Out The Box Mime unveiled it’s live mime show entitled Silent Stories to a crowd of nearly two thousand.
In 2008, (OTB) father and daughter team released their DVD “Be Different Think Different.”
Out The Box Mime is a part of the movement at The Mount in Chesapeake, Virginia where Bishop Kim W. Brown is their pastor.